Bisham Nest Box Group

Swift Box advice
Is my house suitable as a site for an external swift box?
Thanks so much for offering to help swifts. The next step is to let us know if you can answer YES to the following initial questions:
1. Is your house at least two storeys high?
2. Or if lower, is there a gable end at least 5m/16ft high at the top?
3. Does at least one wall/gable end have a clear flight path (no trees immediately in front of the high part of the wall, no single-storey extension below) which is accessible by ladder? Ideally the box needs to be on a wall that faces north or east to minimize exposure to the heat of the sun, but this is not essential.
4. Is the cost of the box okay for you? Have a look at our suggested donations list. We only sell nest boxes with a minimum of two nest spaces because swifts may compete for ownership of a single nest and injure one another. We also highly recommend that you buy the additional call attraction kit as it is much more likely that you will attract the attention of the swifts. We can install this at the same time as the box.
If you can’t say yes to all four questions, then it’s probable that where you live isn’t suitable. If you aren’t sure, please let us know. Send us a photo of the site you have in mind.
Installation terms and conditions:
BNBG will only offer to install Swift boxes if there is clear and safe access for our ladders and only up to a height that we can safely reach.
We will need to drill holes in the wall of your building to provide suitable anchorage points.
We will supply boxes for customers to install themselves or to be installed by a contractor having the necessary equipment to reach the required location and height. We do not offer to arrange sub-contract installation and sourcing a suitable company is in the hands of the customer.